Deschutes Estuary Restoration Team
DERT’s purpose is to create dialogue around reconnecting the Deschutes River to its estuary. This blog has been created to inspire a systemic debate – not a debate centered on Lake vs Estuary. We are moving beyond that argument and on to a discussion based on the needs of the Deschutes River ecosystem and how meeting those needs will contribute to a healthy people and a vibrant economy. This debate will be accomplished through inquiry questions, articles, links to other websites and blogs and updates on events, meetings, and legislative activity. Please join in the discussion.
We are in the process of developing our volunteer program, and will have many opportunities in the near future, including education and outreach, events, technical advisory, legislative strategy/advocacy, land and water stewardship, fundraising, and developing our ‘Imagine the Estuary’ program. If you are interested in volunteering with DERT, please fill out the intake form at http://www.deschutesestuary.org/volunteer/ and we will follow up with you.
Contact us:
olydert@gmail .com
911 Adams SE
Olympia, WA 98501