Avanti High School Emergency Operations Plan (EOP)
What is an EOP?
It is important to know the first priority of the Olympia School District is the safety of students, visitors and staff. Preparing for emergencies is a critical part of safety planning for the district. The Emergency Operation Plans are written documents outlining how the District will respond in the event of an emergency. It is also important to recognize that emergencies are unique in nature and not all scenarios can be identified within these plans.
Why do we need an EOP?
These emergency plans are written in compliance with local, state and federal regulatory requirements and are supported by multiple agency resources including the City of Olympia (Police and Fire), Thurston County Emergency Management, Thurston County Sherriff, the Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI), the Washington State Patrol and FEMA. It is the Districts goal to provide an organizational structure for incident management utilizing the Incident Command System (ICS) in the event of an emergency.
How will it help us?
The Emergency Operation Plan supports the School District relationship with local emergency resources within the City of Olympia, Thurston County, and the surrounding community. In addition, the Emergency Operation Plans set guidelines to manage a disaster in an effective, efficient, and timely manner. The EOP will help the district respond to emergencies, support schools during an emergency and restore the district or individual schools back to normal operations as quickly as is possible per the severity of the emergency.
If you have questions or concerns regarding emergency operation planning for the district, please contact Wendy Couture, Safety and Risk Manager at [email protected] or (360) 596-8567.